Rebecca is a criminal defense and civil rights attorney. She obtained her J.D. from CUNY School of Law, during which time she interned for the Center for Constitutional Rights, the Common Ground Legal Collective, and CUNY’s International Women’s Human Rights Clinic. Following graduation, she worked as a staff attorney for Georgia Legal Services Program in the Migrant Farmworker Division, defending the employment rights of migrant farmworkers in federal court. She has worked for the Law Office of Elizabeth Fink, practicing federal criminal defense; in that position she has represented clients facing federal charges ranging from drug conspiracies to terrorism. She is currently on the New York City 18-b Assigned Counsel Felony Panel. Rebecca is a founding member of the Street Law steering committee, which organizes know-your-rights trainings for New York City students and community groups, and Just Info, a 24 hour hotline providing support and information for anyone impacted by the criminal legal system in New York City. She is a volunteer attorney for the Sex Workers Project of the Urban Justice Center, and the People’s Justice Coalition. Rebecca also served on the Civil Rights Committee of the New York City Bar Association, and is a member of the LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York, and the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.